Chinese physical audiobooks and audiodramas are almost nonexistent in this modern digital age, especially for the oversea audience. Listening to audiobooks, audiodramas and podcasts digitally using a phone/tablet or a website is the most accessible method. Similar to Audible and Scribd, China offers a large array of dedicated audiobook, audiodrama and podcast platforms with the option to purchase a membership subscription and/or to purchase individual content. Multimedia platforms, similar to Google Play Books and Kobo Books, are also extremely popular where various content such as eBooks, webnovels, comics, and/or audiobooks are offered.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Check out our Chinese Media Explained page for a definition of audiodramas and an explanation of the various types of audiobook production


Logging into Chinese services

Social login is usually available, just like many overseas services, however, with the caveat that only Chinese social login services are offered. Apple login is sometimes offered when using the app on an Apple device. The two most common social login services are WeChat (微信) and Weibo (微博). Almost every service offers WeChat login (either with the WeChat app on the device or by scanning the login QR code using WeChat), so we recommend setting up an account as soon as possible.

Telephone number login is the next most common method, however, with the biggest caveat that oversea telephones number are sometimes not supported.

Email addresses or username login are rarely offered, this is more common on Taiwanese platforms or really old platforms.

Paying for Chinese services

For Apple users, Apple Pay is always available as a payment option when making purchases via the app. Paying with Apple Pay is often more expensive due to Apple’s high transaction charge.

For Android users, Google Pay or PayPal are unfortunately rarely available when making purchases from an Android product. Direct payment with an overseas credit or debit card is sometimes accepted when making a payment with Alipay (支付宝) or WeChat Pay (微信支付), both of these are common Chinese payment services.

For computer/laptop users, payment with a credit or debit card, PayPal, or Taobao is sometimes offered. AliPay (支付宝) and/or WeChat Pay (微信支付) are usually always available.

<aside> 🍎 For non-Apple users, purchasing or borrowing an old second-hand Apple device to be used solely for paying for Chinese services is also an option.


Contents are generally extremely cheap. For webnovels, $1 can usually buy 50-100 chapters.