Over the past few months, I’ve seen quite a number of posts by learners around the web about reading progress. In these posts, one thing that I’ve noticed coming up again and again is the problem of reading stamina — many of the even quite advanced learners have commented about feelings of ‘weariness’ after reading in Chinese for longer than half an hour or more than a few chapters.

Encountering this mental stumbling block is unfortunate, as the more you read, the better your Chinese for one and greater your motivation for another. As such, I’d like to share what’s helped me achieve a decent stamina for consuming Chinese-language content and how you might go about doing so as well.

A year or so ago, I found the thought of spending over 30-40 mins on just a simple kid’s book daunting. Now, I can comfortably read for hours at once and indeed do so on a regular basis.

Time spent reading on 微信读书 recently

What I’ll be sharing here will also be drawn from discussions I’ve had with some other Chinese-language bookworms who’ve the stamina to read for longer periods of time as well. But before launching into the thick of it all, I’d first like to make clear a few things:

Now, onto the tips — here are five strategies I’ve found over the past year to be most helpful towards building my reading stamina.

#1: Choose the right material

The importance of this really can’t be understated. The type of content you choose can greatly influence how much time you’re able to read it while maintaining a good focus. I, and those I’ve talked with, have identified three overarching hindrances.


Perhaps intuitively obvious, your interest in the content will directly influence how much time you can spend reading it. The more compelling you find some book/story/article, the longer you’ll be able to focus on getting through it.