<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c20bcf3-3313-47f7-9983-eb7332496ca8/icons8-light-on-100.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c20bcf3-3313-47f7-9983-eb7332496ca8/icons8-light-on-100.png" width="40px" /> We want to share with you all the best resources and articles on Chinese media we’ve found during our Chinese learning journey. Our aim is not to teach you Chinese but rather to provide you with tips, guidance, and useful resources — and an introduction to the world of native Chinese media and entertainment to aid you in your immersion journey. All resources and media links on our website are from official sites.

**Let us know your thoughts using our feedback form!**


<aside> <img src="/icons/cafe_brown.svg" alt="/icons/cafe_brown.svg" width="40px" /> Want to support us? Buy us a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/heavenlypath


General Resources

Our Favourite Resources

Additional Resources

Chinese Media Explained

What’s New?

Media Services

Digital Books and Webnovel Services

Audiobooks, Audiodramas, and Podcast Services

TV Shows and Movies Streaming Services

Chinese Media

Webnovels & Books (小说)

Donghua & Manhua (动漫)

Dramas, Variety Shows, Movies (电视剧、综艺节目、电影)

Audiodramas & Audiobooks (广播剧、有声小说)

Podcasts (播客)

Youtube & Bilibili (视频)

Videogames (电子游戏)

<aside> 📢 All content in this section has been watched/read/listened to by at least one of our editors. As such, some genres may be under-represented since displayed items depend entirely on editors’ media preferences. However, this also has the benefit of all details being estimated by people who have personally reviewed the content.



Comprehensive Listening Guide — from Beginner to Native Media

Comprehensive Reading Guide — from Beginner to Native Novels

Reading Tools, Tips, and FAQ

Improving your Reading Speed — Seven Strategies

Combating Reading Fatigue 101

E-ink Readers for Chinese Novels

Classical Chinese Resources (Working progress…)


Our 2022 Summer Reads

What Is 微信读书 and How to Use It With a Popup Dictionary

Our Editors & Contributors

<aside> <img src="/icons/heart_red.svg" alt="/icons/heart_red.svg" width="40px" /> Our editor, Moon, started her blog on Chinese media for learners. Mythaar created the most awesome language tracking tool. Be sure to check those out!


<aside> <img src="/icons/conversation_orange.svg" alt="/icons/conversation_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Want to speak with us? Email us at contact [at] heavenlypath [dot] org, find us on the 看剧学汉语 Discord server


Our Editors


<aside> 🔖 Tags can be used to quickly find all Media (Books, Drama, Manhua, etc.) in a specific genre or with other specific properties. Switch the gallery view (from Popular to All) to see all Tags available.


